Call 570-924-3418 or 1-800-596-8397

To help ensure that power is restored as quickly as possible, members are encouraged to call the cooperative and report an outage. Members may be on a fuse by themselves and be without power for a long time thinking someone else would call to report the outage.

Sullivan County REC currently uses an Outage Reporting System to handle outage calls.

Using caller ID, the system automatically “reads” the phone number you are calling from. Using this information, the system displays the name on the account, the member's map number, phone number, and time the call came in.

If you have information regarding an outage, such as a tree on the line, you may leave a voice message. If you leave a message, be sure to give the following information:

  1. Name on your account.

  2. Phone number.

  3. If reporting a problem, what the problem is.

Each message left must be listened to individually. Please do not leave a message unless you are reporting a specific problem.

Outages can occur when the wind is blowing and lightning fills the sky. Or, they can occur on a calm summer day. Whenever an outage occurs be assured Sullivan County REC employees are working to restore your power as soon as possible.

The Outage Reporting System operates by using a member's phone number to locate where the outage is occurring. If you recently changed your phone number, or do so in the future, please contact Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative's office at 570-924-3381 or email us at so your number can be updated.



Many of us have cordless phones which do not operate once power is out. As noted above, the Porche Outage Reporting system uses your phone number to provide critical information during an outage. The system has been updated so now members can have three phone numbers listed to provide this information. If you have a cell phone, or other number in addition to your home phone number, please email it to us at, or call our office at 924-3381 so we can update your information.

During outages (especially larger ones) we try to keep our members informed by posting updates on Facebook. If you are a Facebook member, simply do a search for Sullivan County Rural Electric Cooperative, or click on the link below:

Sullivan County REC Facebook Page